
Located in New Bedford, Massachusetts, Advanced Wellness & Rehab Center offers a full spectrum of chiropractic services to our clients in Bedford Pain and Wellness. Many people suffer from back pain, but either don’t want to pay for surgery or are unsure how to proceed. Advanced Wellness & Rehab Center can help – our team will assess your condition and guide you toward the path that is best suited for you. Whether you’re in need of an adjustment, massage therapy, auto accident rehab or anything in between, we can help alleviate your pain and lessen your suffering.

At our state-of-the-art facility Bedford Pain and Wellness, you will discover the true wellness lifestyle, relief from pain and overall good health. We will show you the natural route to better health and we are convinced that after one visit, you will see why chiropractic is the safe and effective alternative to back surgery.

We begin with a thorough examination and assessment your areas of concern, as Bedford Pain and Wellness careful consideration of your health history. We are trained in X-ray techniques and, in order to make an accurate diagnosis, may take X-rays of your back and neck. Only after this initial examination will we offer a recommended course of treatment. Based on the analysis of your initial examination, your treatment could consist of chiropractic adjustments, therapies, therapeutic massage, disc decompression, nutritional counseling and rehabilitation.

Your back is one of the most important parts of your body – when it’s in pain, it can be debilitating and frustrating. We understand the importance of getting you back to a place without pain, and we are thrilled to offer many different aspects of chiropractic care. Please take a moment to review our website and get to know our incredible team of health professionals in the Pain Clinic New Bedford MA. Read through our frequently asked questions for more information, or contact us today to speak with one of our staff members. We are more than happy to answer any and all questions or concerns you have about our business, our practice or chiropractic care in general.

Please see below for some interesting facts regarding chiropractic care!

  • Chiropractic care is the No. 1 choice in alternative healthcare
  • 85 percent of Americans will suffer incapacitating low back pain in their lifetime
  • 40 percent of Americans with back pain lasting more than two weeks will go to a chiropractor
  • 6.8 percent of the population suffers from back pain at any given time
  • Chiropractic care is the second largest primary health care provider in the Western world

WebMD reported on a study of research data over a four-year period taken from nearly 2 million patients – 700,000 patients were on a health care plan that included chiropractic care compared to 1 million patients on a health care plan that did NOT include chiropractic care. After following 1.7 million patients for four years, the results showed:

  • Chiropractic cut the cost of treating back pain by 28 percent compared to those who did not have chiropractic care
  • Back surgeries were reduced by 32 percent – that is nearly one in every three people
  • One third fewer surgeries were performed, which reduced hospitalization by 41 percent
  • This study reported on Web MD found the satisfaction rate with chiropractic care to be 95 percent

Neck Pain

Chiropractic care also offers another opportunity for relief of Neck Pain Treatment New Bedford MA from a whiplash injury. Chiropractors adjust misalignments of the facet joints and vertebrae to revive the nerve signals and improve spinal health, which often can impact overall physical health. Many chiropractors make these adjustments by using a thrust technique called manipulation.
Chiropractors also take into consideration how nutrition, emotion, and environment affect our health. The chiropractor will assess your posture during day to day activities, work, and sleep and provide you suggestions for ways to improve your day-to-day spinal alignment.

Head Aches

Because headaches are so common, some people believe that getting a headache is just a normal part of life! We have numerous who say, “Oh, I only have the usual headaches… nothing serious, I just take Tylenol or Advil.”

Headaches are a sign that something’s wrong and chiropractic treatment can be very effective in treating many types of headaches. It is estimated that 20 to 30 percent of adults have more than one episode of tension-type headache a month. Over 17 percent of those with regular headache meet diagnostic criteria for cervicogenic headache. Headaches result in a significant number of missed work days each year and may have an untold negative impact on the personal lives of headaches sufferers.
A frequent and overlooked cause of headaches is malfunction of the spinal bones in the neck and upper back. When bones of the spine lose their normal position or motion, sensitive nerves and blood vessels to the head can be affected. Any time spinal nerves and related tissues are extended or irritated, they can produce throbbing headaches. Aspirin and medications may cover up these warning signs, but do not correct the underlying structural cause.